K-selected Photometric Catalogs v4.1

README_UVISTA_v4.1.txt - Quick-read explanatory document for the catalog, please do read it!

UVISTA_final_v4.1.cat - Photometric catalogs in ASCII format

UVISTA_final_v4.1.sav - Photometric catalogs in IDL save format

ultravista.mask.stars_regions.fits - Large (2.2gb) fits file that represents masked regions of the field on the same pixel scale as the images.  Created by Carl Mundy (U Nottingham)

K-selected EAZY Photometric Redshifts v4.1

UVISTA_final_v4.1.zout - EAZY photometric redshifts

UVISTA_final_v4.1.param - EAZY parameter file

UVISTA_final_v4.1.translate - EAZY translate file

templates_v4.1.tar - EAZY templates set used to generate photo-z’s

FILTER.RES.v7.R300 - EAZY filter file with VISTA filters

eazy_outputs_v4.1.tar.gz - All files for EAZY including pz etc.

K-selected EAZY Rest-frame Colors

UVISTA_final_v4.1.153-155.rf - U - V rest-frame colors

UVISTA_final_v4.1.155-161.rf - V - J rest-frame colors

K-selected FAST Stellar Masses and SPS parameters

UVISTA_final_BC03_v4.1.fout - FAST output file for Bruzual & Charlot (2003) models

UVISTA_final_M05_v4.1.fout - FAST output file for Maraston (2005) models

FAST_UVISTA_final_v4.1.param - FAST parameter file

FAST_SEDS_BC03_v4.1.tar.gz - Best-fit FAST SEDS for BC03 model.  BEWARE!! This file is large and contains 262,000 individual SED files.  Download only if you want to look directly at the SEDs.

K-selected IR + UV Luminosities and SFRs

UVISTA_final_colors_sfrs_v4.1.dat - IR + UV luminosities and SFR

IMPORTANT NOTE: Negative values of SFR indicate -1.0*(upper limit SFR) from MIPS-24um

Last Updated: 20/08/2015